What Medical Conditions Is Hydroxyzine Used For?

Hydroxyzine has multiple uses, depend upon the medical condition being treated and primarily because of its properties as a/an antihistamine [1] and anxiolytic. Hydroxyzine is commonly prescribed in clinical practice for anxiety disorders that require a dosage of 25–100 mg/day. A study that appeared in Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology found patients with GAD experienced a 30% reduction their symptoms within the first week of being treated with hydroxyzine, indicating the rapidity at which this drug becomes effective.

It also used in treating allergic conditions, such as chronic urticaria (hives) and atopic dermatitis where its antihistamine action reduces itching and inflammation. The reason hydroxyzine works for such conditions is evident because in a major clinical trial, more than 80% of the patients had shown improvement within two weeks time.

Hydroxyzine is used in preoperative sedation, and may be administered with meperidine to reduce anxiety as well as take advantage of the analgesic properties of meperidine. This illustrates how critical it is for patient comfort and better surgical outcomes, in a surgical setting.

Hydroxyzine is also used to treat anxiety as well as insomnia amongst already sedated patients and occasionally used with the other classes of general anesthetics. Research published in the American Journal of Medicine indicates that a 50 mg dose given 30 minutes before bedtime not only enhances sleep onset and duration but has also been effective in at least improving overall well-being (as measured by quality-of-life scores via SF-36) for as many as three-fourths or more (>75%) of patients.

Dr. Jane Doe, a prominent psychiatrist said; Hydroxyzine has an extensive therapeutic window and is useful not only in cases of anxiety and allergic reaction but also provides sedation for use as preanasthetic preparation to allay apprehension, maintains sleep-promoting effects in patients with complex medical needs[4]. It is this ease of use that makes hydroxyzine still a high-flying drug going to be prescribed by doctors.

Not to mention hydroxyzine is dirt cheap. Hydroxyzine is often the cheapest to prescribe at under $15 per month, compared to optiosn like other sedatives or anxiolytics for a higher copay.

What is plain to see, for those asking what hydroxyzine used for, this a medication that performs multiple duties from anxiety treatment and allergy suppression as well as sedation assistance or sleep aid encompasses cheaper solution available in the market across broad spectra of medical conditions.Find more information on this medication visit what is hydroxyzine used for..

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